Citizen Service Portal
We are always striving to increase the interaction we have with our community. Please use the helpful links below to help expedite the submission of information.

Online Compliment Form
We encourage our citizens to recognize our officers. Click below to report your positive experience with one of our Doraville Officers!
Animamos a nuestros ciudadanos a reconocer a nuestros oficiales. Haga clic para informar de su experiencia positiva con uno de nuestros oficiales de Doraville! Este formulario está disponible en inglés o español. Estamos trabajando en idiomas adicionales que estarán disponibles lo antes posible.

Online Complaint Form
The Doraville Police Department investigates ALL citizen complaints regarding our Officers. You can remain anonymous if you prefer, but please understand that providing your contact information allows the supervisor or investigator to conduct a thorough investigation of your complaint. Click below to report a complaint against a Doraville Police Officer.
El Departamento de Policía de Doraville investiga TODAS las quejas de los ciudadanos con respecto a nuestros Oficiales. Puede permanecer anonimo si lo prefiere, pero comprenda que proporcionar su información de contacto le permite al supervisor o investigador realizar una investigación exhaustiva de su queja. Este formulario está disponible en inglés y español. Estamos trabajando en idiomas adicionales que estarán disponibles lo antes posible. Haga clic a continuación para informar de una queja contra un oficial de policía de Doraville

Citizen Submission of Video Evidence
The Axon Citizen Portal allows citizens to submit any type of video evidence to the Doraville Police Department. The Portal will accept almost every type of video file. Please be as specific in describing your evidence as possible so we can follow up with you as needed.

Buy Accident Report Online
You can buy your Doraville Police Department accident report online! Simply click below and follow the prompts. If you have any difficulties, please contact our Records Department directly at 770-458-7655 or

Pay Your Citation Online
Did you know that the Doraville Municipal Court accepts online payments for many citations? To pay your citation online, please click below

Have a RING Doorbell and want to be able to share information directly with the Doraville Police? Sign up for the RING Neighbors App Click Here

Non-Police City Services
The City of Doraville operates a 24/7 service request app for residents. The app can be used to report issues such as code violations, litter in the parks, or potholes on city own roads. These reports can be submitted through the web portal or the smartphone application. Click the button below for the “Doraville at Your Service” app.
Doraville at Your Service, however, is NOT intended for reporting emergency issues. Call 911 for all public safety emergencies that require police, fire or EMS. For water or sewer emergencies, call DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management at (770) 270-6243, a 24-hour emergency number.